Hackathon Practices

Transversal Competencies Education and Training

Coming Soon 2024
dean message

We're thrilled to announce our upcoming Hackathon in Digital Communication and Literacy, designed to empower EUGLOH members to tackle the complex challenges of the digital age.

This unique opportunity provides participants with a comprehensive understanding of digital literacy, equipping them with the skills and knowledge needed to navigate and contribute to our increasingly digital world.

Throughout the program, participants will engage in a multifaceted learning experience, including online webinars hosted by experts

in the field, hands-on innovation activities, and the opportunity to present their projects to a distinguished panel of judges.

While applications for this exciting academic adventure have now closed, we are eagerly looking forward to welcoming the selected participants and tackling together the digital literacy challenges we face today.

about this project

Fostering Essential Transversal Competencies in Academia for Personal and Professional Growth

Hackathon Practices — Transversal Competencies Education and Training is a project aimed at empowering all relevant Academia stakeholders with core skills that represent the cornerstone for the personal development of a person.

Through an intensive pedagogical experience, following a fully-validated

framework, in an immersive multidisciplinary collaborative setting, learners are guided towards understanding, and developing, skills that are increasingly in high demand for professionals to successfully adapt to changes and to lead meaningful and productive lives

see the core skills


Select any edition to explore its central theme and view the resulting projects.

Soon - 2024

Safety Protecting devices and Protecting personal data and privacy

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5th Edition

Digital Communication and Literacy

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4th Edition

Staff Week — Communication Strategy Hackathon

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3rd Edition

Digital Media in Health Communication and Literacy

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2nd Edition

Digital Media in Health Communication and Literacy

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1st Edition

Digital Media in Health Communication and Literacy

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This Interweek was a very good opportunity for me to learn a lot of things that I would never learn anywhere else.

Kim Bredesen

University of Tromsø


The experience was super positive, but also very intense.

It was super positive to see the process from Day 1 to Day 5, and how we grew together as a team. It was nice getting to know each other better because we usually only see each other virtually, and together we tried to solve some challenges that we face every day in EUGLOH.

Minu Lorenzen

University of Hamburg


This entire week was gorgeous!

We learned a lot of things that we can use in our daily work. I believe that the tools and techniques that we got in this program are extremely useful in our managing tasks.

Monika Gortva-Konya

University of Szeged


It was very interesting to see how we are used to the ways we work and it is quite good to see how we can do things differently.

I believe we were tucked in our way of doing things and this week showed me that there are tasks that we can solve very quickly and they will perform even better.

Fausto Ignatov Vinueza

Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich


This Bootcamp not only met my expectations but went beyond it.

I learned a lot of new information, but I think the most important thing to mention is that we all got inspired to participate more and with more enthusiasm in EUGLOH and our regular activities.

Jelena Cvejin Poznic

University of Novi Sad


I enjoyed this experience very much.

I met a lot of new people, I did a lot of networking, and I had new experiences. Since this is not my area of expertise, I really enjoyed getting a new perspective on different ways to pitch and present, which is one of my main interests.

Sara de Azevedo Martins

University of Porto


Discussing and designing the ideas was very challenging, but our mentor and Tiago were so great that they helped us to get it all together and reach the same idea

Cilísia Duarte Ornelas

University of Porto


This week made me experience a lot of different feelings.

We had a lot of work to do and we spent lots of hours working in this really new environment. This was a very different experience, but a very good one. The staff had very different approaches to helping us, but they were very inspiring and they gave us a lot of tools and insights to guide us on our project.

Catarina Silva Marques

University of Porto


The learnings I got here were very useful.

The learnings I got here were very useful. I work in Education Sciences and I can use the frameworks I got here in my professional life. With this new knowledge, I have new ways to tackle the issues and also new ways of thinking about life and society.

Miguel Angelo Correia

University of Porto